Spring and I play this little game every year—or rather, spring plays, and I sit stubbornly outside in my flip flops, wrapped in a blanket and ignoring the wind that still carries a nip of winter. As soon as we have our first day above 65 degrees (last Friday), I decide that every subsequent day must also be warm, thus I must post margaritas on Instagram, wear sundresses, and behave in an otherwise springtime manner, even when we slip back into the 40s or (heaven forbid) it snows in April. This is spring in Wisconsin: a total tease. Although I’m still waiting for the arrival of a spring I can bring home to mom—the spring that shows up on time, doesn’t use brief bouts of sunshine to toy with my emotions, and drives a convertible—at this point, I’ll happily to climb into the cab with any old spring, even one who’s unreliable and drives a dirty pick up truck, provided it’s brought me a bouquet of asparagus.

Why I Love this Cheesy Chicken Asparagus Casserole

Asparagus is my favorite vegetable (shhhhhh, don’t tell Brussels sprouts), and its season is cruelly short, thus I’ve been serving it almost every night since the first batch of non-sickly-looking stalks showed up in our grocery store last week. While I love it simply roasted with salt and pepper as a side dish, most nights I prefer to cook all-in-one meals, like this cheesy chicken asparagus casserole. Lean protein? Check. Dairy? Yep. Whole grains? Got it. Veggies? This casserole is a spring garden!

Extra Veggies. In addition to the asparagus, I included a bushel of spring carrots, which are particularly tender (if you can’t find carrots with their green tops still on, regular carrots are just fine), and any other favorite veggies like broccoli, peas, and spinach can be added or swapped.Hearty Ingredients. Chunks of meaty chicken make this casserole hearty and filling, as does the addition of freekeh (an ancient grain that is similar to brown rice, but higher in protein and fiber). If you can’t find freekeh or want the casserole to be gluten free, quinoa is a perfect substitute.

Although I love every ingredient in this chicken asparagus casserole, I recognize that not everyone shares my passion for vegetables. Enter: The Sauce. What makes this cheesy chicken asparagus casserole a hit even with veggie skeptics is an ultra-gooey cheese sauce that oozes into every single bite. It’s lightened up but still tastes so gloriously cozy and creamy (thank you Gouda), you’ll never suspect. Like my healthy Asparagus Casserole, this cheesy chicken asparagus casserole is light enough for the warm spring days that treat us, but comforting enough for the chilly spring days that tease us.

More Cheesy Casserole Recipes

Broccoli Quinoa CasseroleStuffed Pepper CasseroleChicken Bacon Ranch CasseroleChicken Pesto PastaSpaghetti Squash Casserole

How to Store and Reheat Chicken Asparagus Casserole

To Store. Leftover casserole can be stored in an airtight storage container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.To Reheat. Gently rewarm the casserole in a baking dish in the oven at 350 degrees F until hot.

If you need me, I’ll be on my back porch, digging my fork into a second helping of chicken asparagus casserole. Who needs a prom date?

Cheesy Chicken Asparagus Casserole  Healthy Dinner     WellPlated com - 22Cheesy Chicken Asparagus Casserole  Healthy Dinner     WellPlated com - 45Cheesy Chicken Asparagus Casserole  Healthy Dinner     WellPlated com - 96Cheesy Chicken Asparagus Casserole  Healthy Dinner     WellPlated com - 32Cheesy Chicken Asparagus Casserole  Healthy Dinner     WellPlated com - 91Cheesy Chicken Asparagus Casserole  Healthy Dinner     WellPlated com - 83Cheesy Chicken Asparagus Casserole  Healthy Dinner     WellPlated com - 97